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Baba House Neighbourhood Tours

4, 25 May • 10:00am

Explore the built histories and communities of the Blair Plain conservation district, and how approaches and attitudes towards urban conservation and planning have shaped our landscape today.

Back-of-House Tour: "Former Supreme Court: Unseen, Unheard"

4 - 5, 11 - 12, 18 - 19, 25 - 26 May • 04:30pm

5, 12, 19, 26 May • 02:30pm

18, 25 May • 03:30pm

This exclusive tour offers a glimpse into restricted areas of the former Supreme Court, usually out of bounds to the public. Go behind-the-scenes and find out more about courtroom proceedings and the experience of persons on trial.

Banyan Chit Chats

24 May • 07:00pm

Visit a former-school-turned- farm and join us for stories under our old banyan tree. We’ll touch on topics of urban farming, Bukit Merah heritage, swap stories of growing up in Redhill and Bukit Merah and childhood heritage snacks!

The programme will end with lantern tour of the building - guiding participants on how the space was adaptively reused to the community farm today.

Beyond the Nine-Dragons Wall: The Centennial History of Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI)

22 - 23, 25 May • 10:00am

24 - 25 May • 11:00am

Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI) has grown along with Singapore since 1906.

Discover the tales and anecdotes of SCCCI that uphold the spirit of “Chinese Entrepreneurial Culture” and demonstrates loyalty to Singapore for global harmony and prosperity.

Capitol Singapore Promotions

Celebrate the Singapore HeritageFest 2024 with these promotions from Capitol Singapore!

Cashin House Heritage Tour A Journey Through Time

11, 18 May • 08:30am

11, 18 May • 10:45am

Immerse yourself in the rich heritage of Cashin House at Lim Chu Kang Nature Park. Led by heritage enthusiast Jerome Lim, this tour unveils the area's captivating tale and architectural wonders. Connect with the past and appreciate the site’s rich heritage.

Chicken Rice Diaries: The Hainan Story in Bugis

5, 12, 19, 26 May • 04:00pm

Embark on a delicious adventure through Singapore's vibrant Bugis district with a true-blooded Hainanese guide. Throughout the tour, you'll participate in a fun bingo game with clues hidden within the fascinating history of the Hainanese people in Singapore.

CHIJMES Promotions

Celebrate the Singapore HeritageFest 2024 with these promotions from CHIJMES!

Cinema Reclaimed: DREAM PALACES

Join us for a series of curated film screenings and a talk as we look at not only the history of Singapore on film, but also at the cinema spaces in which films were screened, for the fourth edition of Cinema Reclaimed.

Cinema Reclaimed: DREAM PALACES Talk

26 May • 12:00pm

Film historian and memorabilia collector Wong Han Min will present 'Cinema Paradiso - the Lost World of Singapore's Picture Palaces', a history of Old Cinemas in Singapore from 1896 to 2000.